Today marks a first for me in the blog world and I'm excited and a bit nervous. Hannah asked me to guest post on her blog! She is "sharing Christmas" on her blog and asked if I would share about a ministry I'm blessed to be part of called Cord of Hope.
If you have come over from Hannah's place to read more, thank you for coming. I appreciate you stopping by and because of the reasons I stated above concerning where I may lead people, I do not take your visit lightly.
If you have three minutes and eighteen seconds to spare, watch the video below to gain a more thorough glimpse, and hopefully, understand the heart of a ministry to dancers in men's clubs a little more clearly. If you would like to read how Cord of Hope began, go here.
Cord of Hope - Second Mile, Tucson, AZ from Second Mile on Vimeo.
Our ministry team feels passionate about taking Jesus to these precious women. It is our honor to represent him to these souls. We understand that we need people to give of their resources and pray fervently.
Would you be willing to give? Money? Or supplies? Or something really beautiful from your Etsy shop? If yes, you can send your tax deductible donation to P.O. Box 57417, Tucson, AZ, 85732. I understand that many people give to many wonderful opportunities throughout the Christmas season. If you would like to give, but would like to participate in a few months, please don't hesitate because this is a year round ministry.
More importantly, would you be willing to pray? Prayer is foundational to Cord of Hope. The enemy seeks to steal, kill, and destroy. I don't know if you've noticed this, but he's pretty effective in his schemes in our culture through sexualizing everything. The team of women that take gifts into the clubs are prayed up, but also need the prayers of others. The women who dance in the clubs need our petitions to the Father on their behalf. Will you pray for us this coming week? Our Christmas outreach is one week from tonight on December 9th starting around 9:30pm.
In order for one person to more tangibly understand this ministry, I'm giving away one of our Christmas gift bags to one of you. If you are interested in receiving one of our gifts, please leave a comment. Let me know if you are following my blog, follow Hannah's, want to pray, or are just intrigued. There is no requirement to enter the give away other than a simple comment.
We will give about 125 gifts next Friday night. Every gift is unique, filled with lotions, handmade jewelry, scarves, make-up, candles...anything a woman may enjoy. Each gift also includes a beautiful designed booklet of Jesus' birth out of Luke 2 in the Message. We believe that the word of God is living and active, and does not return void, and is powerful to change lives.
As we give the bags, there is no preaching, no judging, no pushing...only love.
Just love. Just gifts. Just Jesus.
Please enter the give away. It will be my joy to mail you a beautiful gift for your pleasure, to remind you to pray, and to experience a tangible example of the gifts we give.
Thanks again to all of you first time visitors! I hope in some way you've been blessed, challenged, or surprised in reading about Cord of Hope!
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These are some of the gifts we gave last Easter. |
5 important comments so far. What are your thoughts?
Came over from Happy Days to check out Cord Of Hope. As I read, I prayed for the amazing women you will reach in Christ's name next week. I pray God's richest blessings on Cord of Hope. What an AMAZING ministry.
angel! praise jesus for you and your passion to serve in this way.
thank you for your sweet words,
waaaaay to kind:)
grateful for you, friend! xo
Colossians 1:9-12 ESV
And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God. May you be strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy, giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light.
Again, your post blesses my heart. This is the most awesome ministry and my prayers are always with you. God bless and protect you all as you enter each club. May the people you encounter see and feel the love of Jesus and may the Holy Spirit touch each heart. What an awesome God we serve!
Such a blessing and wonderful ministry! I love your heart to serve God as you serve people. I love how the Lord burdens us each with different groups/types of people to minister to! When we all are obedient to the Holy Spirit's leading, then no one "falls through the cracks". Our God is so great!!
ps. I love sweet Hannah too. She is quite special.
I left a comment on Hannah's blog, but want to leave one here as well. Bless you!!! This ministry, especially what you've written here & in your guest post, speaks such powerful truth!
You & all who participate in this are definitely in my prayers - and I will see what I can do about adding 'more' to that.
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